The Most Fundamental Thing in the Pursuit of Success

Blog Lyric and Chord Guitar ini memberikan informasi tentang lirik lagu, kunci gitar lagu The Most Fundamental Thing in the Pursuit of Success,,,

"Be dilligent and your future will be bright." That's an advice we often especially when we are talking about success. What that advice means to you? In my humble opinition, that can be elaborated as follow. If someone wants to be succesful, s/he needs to be dilligent. Wanting to be rich? S/he need to be dilligent too. Dreaming about being famous? They have to be dilligent too. Shortly, dilligence is the key to open the opportunity. If it is success that you want, it is dilligence that you have to have in advance.

You may then ask a question such as "What dilligence do to us that we need it so much in our pursuit of success?" Well, to answer that tricky question let's first discuss what dilligence mean. In Wikipedia, dilligence is defined as zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work, exemplified by a decisive work ethic, budgeting of one's time, monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness, and putting forth full concentration in one's work. Meanwhile, according to referencedotcom, dilligence is constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.

Referring to the definition cited from to online sources above, it can be seen that dilligence is the power that promote one's body and mind to always do whatever it takes in order to accomplish something. Therefore, by having dilligence, one can be rich, if she/he wants to be rich. And he/she can be famous, if she/he wants it. With dilligence, nothing can hinder their way. There is no obstacle that they cannot overcome.

It is clear now why we have to be dilligent in order to pursure success. It is needed basically to guide us to get to our destination or goal. There is no shortcut to success. We need to learn, study, and work hard. And that can be done if we have grown in ourselves a character called "dilligent."

So, from now on, set your 'default' mind to 'Dilligent'. Good luck for everything you wish for..

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